
Parliament mourns killed students by ADF rebels in Kasese

Parliament has this afternoon observed a moment of silence in honor of the students who were killed in the recent Kasese attack last week by the ADF terrorist on Lhugiriha SSS.

While communicating to members, the speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among condemned the cowardly acts by the ADF rebels on the innocent students thus calling upon the government to trace and bring the perpetrators to book.

Speaker Among has also asked both the State Minister of Higher Education and Minister of Defense to table a report in parliament on the findings and what the government is planning for the agrieved families and the school management.

Meanwhile, parliament has also conveyed its sincere condolences to the family of the fallen supreme court judge Justice Stella Arach-Amoko who died last week on Saturday at Nakasero Hospital.

Meanwhile other members of parliament have equally expressed sorrow towards the recent killings in Kasese areas.

By Namagembe Joweria

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