
Gulu municipality MP Hon. Mapenduzi resigns.

Gulu municipality MP Martin Ojara Mapenduzi has today officially resigned from his position as the chairperson for the parliamentary committee on public accounts committee local government.

His resignation has been confirmed by the speaker of parliament Anita Among in her communication to the house while opening up today’s sitting and she noted that Martin Mapenduzi tendered in her resignation letter and it was received by the leadership of parliament and they accepted it.

Speaker Anita Among further informed the house that after accepting Martin Ojara Mapenduzi’s resignation they asked him to present the pending reports of the committee.

Meanwhile, the Speaker also informed the House that the MPs will now start using the biometric register that captures their attendance and that of ministers.

She also added that parliament is going to start publishing the attendance register as part of our accountability

The speaker has also reminded the members of parliament that they are only remaining with two full years to end their term thus asking them to work for their voters so that they can vote for them for the next term in 2026.

By Namagembe Joweria

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