
Press statement on recovery of stolen Gun

Police at Katwe are holding two suspects on allegations of illegal possession of a firearm.
It is alleged that on 11/01/2023 at about noon while at Masomooji parking yard in Katenda zone, Katwe II Parish, Makindye Division in Kampala District, Ochan Denis alias Joseph 42, a carpenter from Agago District and resident of Base zone Katwe Makindye pulled out a pistol and pointed it to Nakidde Swabulah a cashier at the same parking yard and ordered her to surrender money to him.
Nakidde made an alarm which attracted her fellow workers and with the assistance of their security officer, Rwijema Ronnie they managed to subdue him and arrested him before handing him over to clock tower police station.
The suspect had no identification on him and the pistol which was recovered had 12 live ammunition in it.
Upon interrogation, the suspect revealed how he got the Gun from his friend Akena Ronald Ocen who was consequently arrested by Katwe Crime intelligence officers from Katwe Kinyoro.
After viewing the serial number of the gun, we found out that it was reported stolen by ASP Walusimbi Christian a Police officer. The officer alleges that it went missing on 6th , November 2022 , a day he was involved in a serious accident and that the first responders robbed from him items that included Mobile Phone Techno Camon 18 worth 700,000 UGX, 02 jackets, and his PISTOL GUN(black) with its 13 ammunition.
The matter was reported at Kabalagala Police station.
The gun is being exhibited to ascertain whether it has been used in any previous crimes.
More details will be availed as soon as possible.

ASP Luke Owoyesigyire
Deputy PRO KMP

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