

The 3 Division Commander of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) Major General Don William Nabasa has called upon the Karacunas to take advantage of the extension of the amnesty window to surrender all guns in illegal possession among the communities in the Karamoja Sub-region.

He made the call during a security community mobilization where hundreds of Karacunas and elders turned up at Lorikokwa village, Naitakwae Parish, Nandunget Sub County, Moroto district.

“The amnesty window period had elapsed, but we had to request the strategic leadership and the President of the Republic of Uganda for an extension because of the successes registered and the critical need to allow other Karacunas In his wisdom, the Fountain of Honour granted two more months. I, therefore, urge more Karacunas in hiding to take advantage and surrender,” said Maj Gen Nabasa.

The Division Commander who also doubles as the chairman of the regional disarmament committee elaborated that the President of the Republic Uganda as a peace lover initiated and guided senior leaders to employ security – community mobilization drives as additional strategies to the disarmament operation which encompasses voluntary approach and provision of alternative livelihood.

Maj Gen Nabasa reaffirmed the commitment of the joint security forces in securing Uganda’s borderline by manning critical vantage points and areas from where the tactical forces can ably spring out to deter any cross border security threats

Hon Francis Adome, Member of Parliament for Moroto Municipality, called upon the Karacunas of South Karamoja to emulate their colleagues in the north and proactively continue being involved in communal peace initiatives.

On his part , the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Francis Chemusto, the Mt Moroto Regional Police Commander appealed for continued popular vigilance and timely purposeful information sharing among communities and security agencies to fight other emerging crimes like robberies, house breaking and domestic violence among others.

As a symbol of voluntary approach, one Karacuna Lowal Joseph a resident of Acoholicholi village Lorengecora sub-county in Napak district surrendered a sub machine gun, number 09990 with 28 live rounds of ammunition to the 3 Division Commander.

The senior leaders said that such similar security – community mobilization drives will be rolled out and conducted in other districts of South Karamoja Sub region.

Present were: Mr. Tuko Justin, Deputy Resident District Commissioner for Moroto, Brigade Commanders, Mr. Lochap Robert Program, Manager for Mercy Corps, Ms. Judith Nakut Community Mobilizer and senior officers joint security forces.

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