
Te kwaro lango leader wants schools to stop punishing learners for speaking vernacular.

The paramount chief of Tekwaro Lango Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune wants schools to stop penalizing pupils and students who speak Lango language while at school so that they are encouraged to promote the language.

Odongo said that teachers should allow pupils and students to practice speaking and writing in Lango.

Odongo made the statement while speaking at the swearing in ceremony of Atek Odyek Owidi clan leaders Simon Peter Odoo in a function that took place in Adekokwok ward, Lira city East division.

He commended Atek Odyek Owidi clan for abiding by their constitution to form a new legitimate government under the leadership of Simon Peter Odoo before supporting them with shillings five hundred thousand for tree plantation project.

The electoral commission chairperson of the clan Ogwang Benard Omodo said Odoo came unopposed when the position was advertised.

He also revealed that the clan has amended its constitution to allow the new set of leaders be at the helm of the clan for ten years.

After the swearing, Simon Peter Odoo appointed Acuma Patrick, Olwit Alfred, Ojok Isaac Orupubade, Tom Opio as his deputies, CP Otine as prime minister, George Ayo as principal private secretary, while Oyam woman MP Santa Alum Ogwang was appointed women leader.

In his maiden speech, Odoo asked his chiefs to focus more on poverty eradication and education of children to foster development among the clan members as he warns against domestic violence and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Jerome Angena who is the clan leader of Ocukuru ogora asked religious leaders and the government to support the work of cultural leaders.

By Arao Denis

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