

THE Tekwaro Lango Paramount Chief (Won Nyaci) Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune has urged all leaders to use their privileged positions to lobby projects that can stimulate growth and development in the sub region.
Quoting South Africa’s first black president Nelson Mandela, Okune says it’s not enough for people in leadership positions to brag about personal achievements when majority are wallowing in abject poverty.

“…what matters in life is not the mere fact that we are leaders, but the difference we as leaders made or are making to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead…’ he said.

The Chief notes with concern that many families are living in abject poverty yet the central government continues to disburse money and roll out new programmes and projects which end up being mismanaged by some leaders.

This is contained in his congratulatory message to the President of Uganda, the cabinet, MPs and all leaders as the nation prepares to celebrate its 60th independence anniversary this Sunday 9 October, 2022.

This year’s scientific celebrations are under the theme:, “October 9th:A Declaration of African Interdependence and our Shared Destiny”, with the main event taking place at Kololo Independence grounds in Kampala.
Until a few years ago, the day comply known among the locals as Uhuru was an important event among the people of Lango with wild celebrations in all parts of the region.
It was a day when nearly all families would eat meat, buy new clothes for wives and children while adults in different groups and settings would drink and dance the whole day.
He says times have changed when Uhuru makes sense only when individuals in families have steady sources of income to take care of basic necessities of life in all aspects
Okune uses this occasion to remind politicians, religious and cultural leaders of their roles and responsibilities to be tagged on the country’s motto which says: For God and My Country and so execute their duties accordingly.

Without mentioning names, the acclaimed civil engineer-turned traditional leader accused some leaders of using their positions to stir conflict among the population through blackmail and propaganda.
He has called on the people of Lango to work hard and fight poverty at household level through, education, agriculture and farming and to make sacrifice by sending children to school.
Okune also challenged parents to encourage their children to go for vocational education saying many have become successful and self-reliant after acquiring different skills.
“…what is the meaning of acquiring degrees and sit with them at home while a certificate or diploma holder in vocational studies are doing wonders and are hot cakes in the job market…”,he said.

According to the government, all heads of states from the East African Community are expected to grace the celebrations (9:00am- 2:00pm) to be presided over by President Yoweri Museveni.

By Arao Denis

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