
The Lango Paramount Chief urged owners of media houses to use their platforms to stimulate economic growth and development.

The Lango Paramount Chief (Won Nyaci) Eng. Dr Michael Moses Odongo Okune has urged owners of media houses especially radio stations and the workers in Lango to use their platforms to stimulate economic growth and development in the sub region.

Okune observes that the majority people in the region  are struggling to recover from the Kony-led 20 year conflict and still have a number of challenges which require care and expertise from the broadcasters to give proper guidance.

He commended the radio proprietors who are operating under very difficult times, but quickly also appealed to the audience who call in different radio stations to preach peace and unity as opposed to pricking the wounds of the population.

“…do not forget the agenda-setting and watchdog roles and try to practice peace journalism as well as opposed to using the airwaves to destroy others through divisive programmes…’,Okune appeals.

Uganda joins the rest of the global community to commemorate Media and Information Literacy (MIL) week, an event which takes place on 24-31, October every year.

This year’s edition of the global MIL week is taking place for the first time in sub saharan Africa Abuja, Nigeria with focus on trust and solidarity as it relates to people, media, digital platforms, governments, private sector and NGOs.

Media and Information Literacy is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for All following the UN General Assembly resolution.

“…the type and quality of information that we feed our people on largely determines the perception, beliefs and attitudes of our community which in turn affects or promotes development…” he said.

He stressed the importance of the media as a key partner through education, entertainment and information, commonly referred to as edutainment but warns that the platforms can be misused by some people for selfish agenda.

On social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, Tiktok, snap chat and Skype, among others, Okune asks the youth to use these services to make money.

“…avoid hate speeches, character assassination, blackmail and other such related vices which can land you in prison as well as cause instability, conflict and disunity among the community…’,Okune warns.

By Arao Denis

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