
Primary school teacher in lira city on the spot for torturing a pupil.

 Police in lira city have started a serious investigation on the matter involving a primary school teacher attached to Canon Lawrence demonstration school Boroboro who allegedly beat a primary five boy. 

According to the report done by this publication, Jack Angom a primary three class teacher also a wife to Dick Alengo the Head teacher of Dr. Obote College Boroboro, a teacher at Canon Lawrence demonstration school was reportedly toed to lira city central police station on allegations of changing learning institutions to torturing area

Speaking to our reporter at the school office, Mike Opio the head teacher of canon Lawrence demonstration school confirmed the matter and said Angom jacky will face the disciplinary committee on that matter.

Opio added that ,last week his teacher by the name Angom jacky was reported to the police, by one of the parent called Diana Adong Nerima , also to the area councillor that represents people of Boroboro west to Lira city East division. under the SD /45 /14 /10 /2022 on Child Abuse in lira city central police station.

Addressing journalists on this allegation, Diana Adong Nerima a mother to the child, said his son was beaten after he was sketching on the blackboard basing on the report that the child delivered to the parents

This prompted Adong to demand the school authority to compensate her for brutalizing her child.

Dick Alengo the head teacher of Dr. Obote College Boroboro , also the school management committee of the school where his wife is teaching, while responding on the issue said he was not aware about the incident but they will act swiftly on the matter.

By Arao Denis

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