
Two Parish chiefs arrested for sabotaging government programs

Police in Apac District have arrested two Parish Chiefs accusing them of sabotaging the implementation of Parish Development Model programs.

The two, including Maxwel Odur, in charge of Awila parish, and Geoffrey Ocepa, were arrested on Wednesday, June 21st, on the orders of RDC George Abdul Omongi.

“We arrested them after finding out that they had been telling other parish chiefs not to participate in mobilizing residents to embrace the PDM program,” said RDC Abdul.

According to RDC Abdul, residents of Akokoro and Apoi subcounties failed to register for the PDM program, a move he said is under investigation to ascertain circumstances that could have caused it.

He cautioned parish chiefs who are trying to frustrate PDM to resign if they don’t want to work.

Apac has 2 billion shillings on the account for PDM, and they will launch the disbursement of the funds to beneficiaries on June 30, 2023.

By Arao Denis

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