
33 years old woman arrested for killing her step son in oyam district

    Police in oyam district are holding a 33years old woman on allegedly using hot water mixed with cooking oil to kill the boy

    Sarah Akello,a resident of Entebbe trading center,Alidi parish,Loro Sub county in Oyam district,she was arrested after reports emerged that she poured hot cooking oil mixed with hot water on a three years boy called Innocent Ogwang.

     Speaking with our news desk Walter Atono the father of the deceased confirmed the incident and said he brought this woman as his second wife to take care of the child, unfortunately she has opted to kill him.

Atono said when this incident happened he had gone for work and added that he was receiving communication From different neighbours about how his wife was torturing the boy in his absence.

    According to the postmortem report that was conducted, the child body organs were damage as a result of excessive heat.

       Innocent Mubangizi the district police Commander of Oyam district confirmed the murder and said investigations are on going.

By Arao Denis

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