
A senior two student dies at school-Otuke

The territorial command at Otuke CPS are investigating sudden death of Abeja Irene a student of Adwari Senior Secondary school.

It’s said that on 20th June 2023 at around 8:00am,the head teacher of Adwari SS reported sudden death of one of the student identified as Abeja Irene.

The deceased was referred by the school nurse to Aliwany Heath center III for treatment, she walked normally to the Heath center and looked normal.
Upon reaching, she was tested positive + for malaria, hence the incharge said she looked normal and not weak so she can be given treatment and goes back to school but the deceased insisted and told incharge that she was treated on IV drip of malaria from home before coming back to school then she was admitted on IV drip for medication and she finished the first dose. At around 3:00am the deceased asked to go in the toilet but she fainted on her way, later she was carried back, until upto around 4:00am she passed on.

According to Patrick Jimmy Okema
PRO-North Kyoga Police was notified and immediately the team moved to the scene and visited it, documented, scene photographed
Investigations are on now.

By Arao Denis

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