
Amolatar district Leaders accused kyoga North MP for diversion of tractors

Kyoga North MP in Amolatar district James Olobo Dubai was accused of diverting two tractors which have been donated by government to two demonstration farmers.

The tractors according to a local who pleaded for anonymity reached Amolatar district two weeks ago but MP James Olobo Dubai reportedly packed them at his home without even informing district Leaders.

Amolatar district chairman Geoffrey while he was speaking with our reporter Said he acknowledged that the two tractors from ministry of agriculture arrived in the district two weeks ago, but were taken to the home of Olobo Dubai.

Ocen said he was in the process of writing to the ministry of agriculture to find out whether the tractor was meant to benefit locals or were donated to the legislator.

Ocen however said he got reports that the tractors were meant for two renowned commercial farmers to expand their demonstration farms.

To respond on the matter Mp Olobo Said he received a tractors but were not for the district.

By Arao Denis

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