
Apac district received 70 Smart Phones from ministry of Education and Sports.

Ministry of Education and Sports embarked on the rollout of the “Teacher Effectiveness and Learner’s Achievement Program” (TELA) throughout the country, and the project started last year with Eastern Uganda.

Following this initiative, Apac Head teachers received smartphones to monitor their efficiency at school.

The program that involves giving out smartphones fully fixed with two customized sim cards of Airtel and MTN to head teachers was able to benefit Apac school heads in an exercise which took place on 07th March 2023 at Scouts Hall Apac Town.

Mr. Moses Opio the Apac Municipal senior inspector of schools welcomed the development saying it’s highly advantageous since it will aid them and the line Ministry in monitoring of teacher’s performance while learners are retained at schools effectively.

Opio adds that the gadgets will also help them to display both arrival and signing out of teachers from class and school since every lesson will be captured, he however warned head teachers against turning the phone for personal use instead to have gazetted points accessible by all the teachers in their respective schools.

The project coordinator for Apac Municipality, Mr Issac Oding notes that the initiative aims at addressing irregularity in the education system as it will inform the ministry in making follow-ups on the key issues that may arise from these learning institutions.

Mr Oding adds that the system is linked directly to the  Ministry of Education and Sports and will always expose cases of absenteeism and the rate at which syllabus is being covered per School.

Meanwhile, the Apac District assistant focal point person for the Teacher effectiveness and learners achievement project, Mr Joshua Otyama notes that the project will also address gaps including learners’ and teachers’ absenteeism as well as coordinating the roles of school management.

Apac Municipality received a total of 16 smartphones while Apac District  got 54, for both Secondary and primary Schools making a total of 70 smartphones given to schools across the district.

The Senior Education officer Apac, Mr. Patrick Ocen acknowledged that the gadgets will help in monitoring of lesson attendance and scheme of work by teachers from morning to 5pm urging that it has come in right time when some teachers have become more difficult to handle 

He however tasked teachers to be very committed adding that those who will not perform well risk not being paid since government is now geared towards value for money.

By Arao Denis

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