
Lango muslim community disagree with Lira city proposal

Lango Muslim Supreme District Administration has disagreed with proposals by Lira City Council to relocate Ojwina Seed Secondary school from it’s current location to Omito primary school.

This follow the resolution approved by the council meeting that held on Wednesday at Lira hotel, in Lira City.

Omara said they have got land at Omito primary school where they expect to establish the school.

He said government has stopped establishment of secondary schools on land owned by religious denominations to curb foundation body wrangles.

Omito primary school is among 11 others plagued with foundation body wrangles between Catholics and Anglicans.

Mayor of Lira city Sam Atul said, they have been under pressure from government to send land tittles for Ojwina Seed SS but the land has no tittle, a reason why they opted to move the school to Omito primary school that had land titles.

He adds that once the Muslim leadership avails land titles for the said land, then the school may be established at Lira P.7 school land.

The spokesperson, Lango Muslim Supreme District Administration headquartered at Lira primary school Rashid Acup said processing the land tittle for the land was affected by non-operation of Lira City board but adds that they will continue with the process, now that the area land committees have been instituted.

Acup who is the acting head teacher of Ojwina Seed SS accused Mayor Sam Atul, and some leaders of Lira city and Lango diocese of harboring interest in the land at Lira P.7

He said the project will also not be affected by leadership wrangles among Muslim factions in Lango since the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council has agreed that the school should be constructed at Lira Primary school.

Ojwina Seed School will be constructed at a tune of 6.5 Billion shillings and is expected to host 3000 students.

By Arao Denis

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