
Minister Amongi opens International Artists Congress, 2023.

Dresden, Germany

Hon. Minister Betty Amongi officiated at the opening ceremony of the global artist congress in Germany. Accompanied by the Speaker of Parliament of the state of Saxony Rt. Hon. Dr. Matthias Robler, Hon. Betty Amongi called on the artist to use their talent to challenge the current global issues like climate change, immigration, poverty, and global peace and security.

The Minister applauded the universities and museums that have honoured her request to admit students from Uganda in their residence in the program,pledging that the country will send the best artists to benefit from the program
The Minister reiterated Ugandan commitment to fostering good bilateral relations with Germany through existing frameworks in place. H.E Ambassador Mubiro, Ugandan Ambassador to federal Republic of Germany, his deputy and other staff members Accompanied the Minister at the event.

The Minister thanked Xsabo Foundation for the financial support for organising the event.

By Arao Denis

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