Food & Health

MP.Alyek donates 10 beds to Bala health center lll in kole district

The woman member of parliment for kole district also chairperson lango parlimentary group Judith Alyek,asked donated 10 beds to Bala health center lll in kole district to improve on service delivering.

  Addressing the communities at the women’s day celebration for kole district that look place at Bala primary school, MP Alyek says she brought the beds as people’s lives are very important more than anything in this world.

  She continues that, Kole district was the best district in using OWEF fund across the country, where she requested people of Kole to show good image on parish develop model funds.

  Meanwhile the deputy general Secretary of NRM party,Rose Namayanja, speaking as the chief guest at the ceremony, appealed to the local communities to reports any case of corruption on Parish Development Model Fund’s as this project is not set for every one to benefit.

  Namayanja,also appreciated MP Alyek as a great Mp who is showing her commitment in doing her job that voter’s trusted her with, as she’s also working hard to make every one get service From the National Ruling Party. Ms Rose also lunched 10,000 coffee planting in Lango sub region.

Kole South MP Peter Ocen Akalo, said many women are still struggling due to lack of equipments in some health facilities.

  Kole district postponed their  women’s day celebration from the 8th.03.2023,till yesterday 23.03.2023.

By Arao Denis

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