
One month old baby abundoned in bush found- Police

According to ASP Kasadha Micheal police spokesperson Busoga North, the child and family protection unit under Kamuli central police station responded to an incident where a baby about 01 month old was recovered by residents of Kulingo zone Nankulyaku Ward Southern Division Kamuli Municipality this morning from a thicket.

Information from the local leaders of the area to the District police commander prompted for the dispatch of a child and family protection unit officer who found the infant wrapped in sheets minutes after the recovery.

Preliminary investigations suggest that yesterday night at around 08:00 PM, one resident yet to be identified heard sound of a crying baby as he was going back home and stopped to confirm. After some minutes of continuos crying which seemed static, he allegedly went to the nearby home and shared information with a lady he found on what he was hearing. They further took the information to the leadership of the zone with the intention of conducting a search of the crying baby as a group. However, by the time they went back, the search didn’t yield as the baby had stopped crying and therefore had no further clue on the exact direction to follow. It was today morning that they discovered the infant abandoned in the bush as they intensified the search.

We commend the community and the leadership of Kulingo zone for the vigilance and commitment to save the life of the minor.

A serious manhunt for the person(s) behind the abandonement of the baby has started.

We condemn the irresponsible act of endangering the life of the minor, and appeal to all people of child bearing age to always seek necessary support from, family members, friends, religious leaders, political leaders, responsible state agencies, etc where need be to cope with challenges that come with parenting amidst all situations.

By Alamanzan Oludu

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