
Police in Oyam accused of Corruption

Police Officers at Oyam Central police station have been accused by the local community of corruption.

This report was given during a meeting organized by IGNITE CHANGE, a non-governmental organisation that supports vulnerable groups in Oyam district.

According to the community, police officers at Oyam central police station always demand money from complaints for their cases to be registered. They also accused the police of demanding bribes for suspects to be released for a police bond.

Nommy Otyeno the project manager of IGNITE CHANGE says the unprofessional behaviors by police officers at Oyam Central Police Station is instead promoting crimes in the district.

Connie Atto, a local resident of Oyam town council said   people from poor families are losing hope in reporting matters to Police.

RDC Oyam Hope Atuhaire regrets why trained police officers involved themselves in such an act.  She therefore directed Oyam DPC to take action on such errant officers.

However, Innocent Mubangizi the DPC Oyam says he has been hearing such complaints from locals in Oyam district, but no one has formally reported to his office. He however said he will have a meeting with his officers to address such complaints.

By Arao Denis

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